soberevolution Thank You Gift

There is no way we will succeed in crushing the stigma of alcoholism without the generosity of supporters like you! As a “thank you” for your donation of $40 or more, we are happy to send you an inscribed and signed hardcover edition of our book, soberevolution: Evolve into Sobriety and Recover Your Alcoholic Marriage, to your United States address (to buy a book to be shipped internationally, please click here).

Please tell us how we can personalize your book, then complete your donation.

Book Inscription

  • A book inscription is a personal thing. We understand that different readers relate to different parts of our story. You won’t hurt our feelings by asking for just one of our signatures.
  • If you leave the address fields blank, we will mail your book to the United States address in your credit card billing information (next page).

If you don’t complete step one by clicking the button above, we will have no way to personalize your inscription. Please click the button to complete step one before moving on to the donation billing in step two. Thanks!