Stigma prevents people from seeking life-saving help. Stigma creates an “us” versus “them” mentality that makes fixing problems impossible. Stigma is to blame for many of our society’s lingering epidemics.
It is our mission to crush the stigma of addiction, and to be a leader in the sober majority.
While our personal experience with high-functioning alcoholism gives us a passion for our addiction recovery work, we are even more inspired to work on addiction prevention and change our cultural infatuation with alcohol – which is responsible for over 3 million deaths per year worldwide and over 15 million American alcoholics (more people than suffer from cancer).
Sober and Unashamed – Our website and blog to help people connect with our experiences in high-functioning alcoholism and loving an alcoholic.
Untoxicated Podcast – We talk about all the challenges to recovering a marriage from addiction. Raw, personal, heartbreaking and hopeful.
soberevolution – Our first book about evolving into sobriety and recovering your alcoholic marriage.

SHOUT Sobriety – Our program for high-functioning alcoholics in early sobriety recovering out loud to crush the stigma.
Echoes of Recovery – Connection for the loved ones of alcoholics who deserve to have their stories heard, and deserve healing independent of the decisions of the drinkers they love.
Marriagevolution – Our group for couples working together to recover their alcoholic marriages.

The Story Writing Workshops – Writing our stories is powerful. Reading our vulnerable truth to people who care is life changing. The Story Writing Workshops are both incorporated into SHOUT Sobriety, Echoes of Recovery and Marriagevolution, and also hosted at various times and locations around Denver.