Our Stigmattack fundraiser for the Denver Public Schools Homeless Education Network ends this week. Have you helped the most vulnerable population in Denver yet?
The weather this week is inconvenient for those of us with warm homes and reliable transportation. Just imagine if that inconvenience was suddenly a brutal, life-threatening disaster that required all of your effort just to survive. How could you make money in those conditions? How could you possibly learn and grow?
The popular misperception about homelessness is that its victims are lazy or drug addicted. The truth is, surviving homelessness requires every ounce of a person’s strength, and leaves no time or energy for improving the work or educational situation. That’s why breaking the cycle of homelessness is so critical.
That’s why it’s our responsibility to help the next generation get an education and put some distance between them and the potential for economic collapse. It is our responsibility to help each other. I’m not talking about taxes or government handouts. I’m talking about helping the kids in our community because it’s the right thing to do.
We hope you’ll support the homeless kids struggling to survive at Denver Public Schools. We are eager for your donation before our October Stigmattack fundraiser ends. Please donate now and be part of the solution for survival.